Preparing for remote interviews

Preparing for remote interviews

3 minutes read

Covid-19 Pandemic has hit the job market the hardest. From layoffs to hiring freezes, the pandemic has set the global unemployment curve to rise drastically. These unprecedented times have pushed organizations and employees to resolve to new solutions to thrive and adjust. As the experts forecast that the pandemic is here to stay longer, remote recruitment is expected to continue.

The Pandemic is evolving with a few countries opening up and others entering strict lockdowns to tackle the third wave of Covid-19. The steady recovery of the UK’s economy has witnessed an increase of 356,000 payrolled employees last month. Matthew Percival, director of people and skills at the CBI, said “As Covid cases rise, firms are facing the double difficulty of hiring workers and more employees self-isolating.”

Unemployment seems to be creeping up in the second half of 2021 as companies are finding new ways to adapt to bring their employees back to work sooner by providing a safe environment.

Most of the HR teams are still taking a break, a step back to assess the financial situation before hiring again. Some are building their pipelines stronger. But many companies are taking this opportunity to hire as they now have access to a wider talent pool with stronger candidates due to remote working. With all that in mind, people wonder how the dynamics are going to shift in the remote workplace and recruitment process. What can you do to be more prepared?

Adaptive and Flexible

The key to success in these unpreceded times is to be adaptive and flexible. Organizations, recruiters and employees need to have patience, be flexible, and get out of their comfort zones.

Work on personal brand

This is a brilliant time for you to work on your personal brand, improve your social media profiles and learn new skills. Recruiters are ceaselessly looking for more information about candidates outside their resumes.

Prepare your technology

Prepare for online interviews by making sure you have the necessary technologies to attend video interviews and have virtual conversations. Make sure to have good headphones and a stable internet connection.

Prepare a workspace

Since most of us are stuck at home with families or friends who are also working from home or with children away from school, it is very important to set a quiet designated space where you can take part in video interviews without any interference.

Ask questions

Just because you are working remotely does not mean you should not have queries about how a day looks like in your organization. You should ask the recruiters the same questions that you would have asked if you were interviewing at the office.

Craft your Resume

Highlight your best skills and achievements. Have strong descriptors and data on your resume. Include details about awards, workshops, or memberships at different organizations that you have joined during COVID. This is going to help you plant a wider picture of what you can bring to the table.

As a candidate looking for a job during this pandemic, take the time to know your market better. Learn more about the various industries or organizations that you are interested in. It is highly suggested to not rush into a company or industry. You should research how the company reacted during the Pandemic to see their flexibility towards their employees.