Why should you use keywords in your resume

Why should you use keywords in your resume

Over 70% of all employees are either actively looking for a job or are open to new opportunities. That means if you’re unemployed and looking for a job, you’re not only competing with others who are unemployed, but also those who aren’t. The first step towards your dream job is make sure that the person going through your resume is excited to have received your application.

One trick to do that is by using certain keywords in your resume. Keywords are the words that describe the skills and attributes that recruiters look for in a candidate. It is also advised that you modify your resume according to the job you’re applying for and not use the same general resume for all your job applications.

Recruiting teams are also starting to adapt Applicant Tracking Systems or ATS for short. These systems scan your applications for keywords to find the best matched candidate. So, if your resume does not have the key words that the ATS is scanning for, chances are high that you will not be ranked as a top candidate. Typically, the better your resume matches the job description, the higher you will be in the ATS ranking list. It is common practice for hiring teams to start reviewing applicants at the top of the ranking list and if you haven’t customized your resume with keywords, chances are your application will not even be considered.

Here are the top 3 reasons why you should always customize your resume with keywords:

  • Helps you get the interview: Recruiters are going to call you based on how and what you write on your resume. You might be able to talk your way through an interview but that’s not happening until there’s a person sitting in front you. So, make sure your resume has the right keywords and customized according to the job description.
  • Helps you highlight the important bits: Resumes that are multiple pages long often bury what’s actually important. So, when you’re customizing your resume, make a list of the keywords that needs to be highlighted in the resume and blur out the irrelevant bits.
  • Puts you on the same wavelength as the hiring manager: Hiring managers use certain terminology when creating job descriptions. Keywords will help you convey that you are on the same page as the hiring manager when judging qualifications and experiences.

Today’s job market is very competitive and you have to properly utilize every skill and resources you have to stand out in the crowd. Keywords help you do just that and takes a you step further to becoming the ideal candidate for any of your job application.